Terrific Transition
We were once again thrilled and delighted to welcome over 150 Year 6 pupils from our primary feeder schools to join us for three days of finding out everything they need to know about Sandhill View Academy, thus making their transition to secondary school in September much less intimidating.
It was an action-packed week for our future students as they were welcomed by Mrs Dodd in their first assembly, got to know their form tutors better and toured our building and facilities. This was a chance to make new friends with a roster of activities designed to break the ice, build trust and confidence (including literal bridge building) and test the skills, knowledge and creativity of our incoming students.
There was also a chance to take part in some great competitive fun across a variety of track and field events by taking part in our very own Primary School Sandhill Games. We hope pupils had a fantastic week and we look forward to seeing them again in their shiny new uniforms in September.