All students at Sandhill View Academy must wear school uniform
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all of our pupils. The official school uniform should be worn at all times, including during examinations and on official trips out of school (except where otherwise stated). Wearing our uniform identifies our students, not only with each other, but also as a member of our school community. The uniform associates students with the high standards of work conduct and dress we set them.
- All students must wear a black blazer with the school badge.
- This may be worn with a Royal Blue V-neck jumper, tank top or cardigan with Sandhill View Academy badge or a plain, black V-Neck jumper (no school badge is required for this item and so may be purchased from anywhere.)
- Royal blue ties with the school badge as shown above must be worn along with plain white, collared shirts, tucked into trousers/skirt at all times.
- Formal black school trousers must be worn with plain all black polishable school shoes. Trousers may also be replaced by a blue oakleigh pattern plaid skirt which must be worn with plain black tights and all black polishable school shoes.
School Shoe Guidance
- Trainers, plimsolls or canvas shoes of any description must not be worn. All school shoes should be all black formal and polishable with no decoration or frills (such as large designer labels visible e.g. Vivienne Westwood). See above for more examples of what is appropriate.
Other Items
- A suitable bag must be brought to school for all school sessions.
- Students must wear the metal badge of their corresponding house group on their blazer label. Badges will be provided to new pupils on the first day of the school year. It is the student’s responsibility not to loose their house badge.
- Students must wear their year group colour patch on their blazer lapel (see below).
Year Group Badge Colours 2024/2025
Year 7 | Blue |
Year 8 | Grey |
Year 9 | Pink |
Year 10 | Yellow |
Year 11 | Orange |
Regarding Jewellery, Make-Up, Hair Colouring & Other Items
Students are not permitted to wear any item of jewellery to school, for health and safety reasons. However they are allowed, if you wish, to wear the following items of jewellery, most of the time:
- An inexpensive wrist watch.
- Up to one small sleeper or stud in each ear lobe. Please note earrings in any part of the ear other than the lobe are not allowed.
- Facial piercings are not permitted. Students are not allowed to wear any other items of jewellery to school. In PE and in some practical subjects, health and safety regulations permit absolutely no jewellery. The wearing of earrings to school can be potentially dangerous.
- Make-up, if worn, should be subtle. As a rule of thumb, if it is apparent that a student is wearing make-up from across a classroom, then they are wearing too much to be acceptable for our school environment. Fake tan, brightly coloured nail acrylic, nail polish or gel nails should not be worn. Henna should not be worn.
- Extreme hair colouring is not permitted.
- AirPods and Headphones of any kind are not permitted at school.
- The school accepts no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage, however caused of any item of jewellery or equipment brought to school by any student.
School PE Kit
- A royal blue collared T-shirt with the school logo.
- Black tracksuit bottoms / black shorts and black socks must be worn with this.
- Swimming costume or trunks and swimming hat for pool activities. Swimming goggles are optional but highly recommended.
- Towel for swimming.
- Trainers or running shoes are permitted only during PE activities. Black trainers/shows are best suited to match our PE Kit.
Our Uniform SupplierAll items marked with * MUST be branded kit with school logo, which can only be purchased from our school supplier: Our main school uniform supplier is The School Outfit. 11-12 Brockwell Road, Crowther Industrial Estate, Washington, NE38 0AF. T: 0191 416 8889 E: You can place orders for our school uniform here |