Non Uniform Day Supporting Sunderland Foodbank
In support of Sunderland Foodbank and their Pennywell branch, we are giving students the chance to take part in an optional non-uniform day this Friday 16th October. To take part pupils should bring with them at least one item of tinned or dried food that we will then collect and donate to our local food bank. Please keep in mind that any clothing worn by pupils as part of non-uniform day will need to be appropriate for a school setting.
Pennywell Foodbank is open every Thursday from 1pm-3pm at St Thomas’ Church, Petersfield Road for anyone in crisis who is struggling to put food on their table. For more information on how to get vouchers to access the food bank please ring Sunderland Citizen’s Advice on 0300 330 1194 or visit for more information.
If you cannot make the foodbank times, other foodbanks are available across the city, and there is at least one foodbank open every workday.
Your donation will help feed those in need in our community during these difficult times.