Knowledge Organisers
At Sandhill View Academy, teachers have produced Knowledge Organisers to support students in learning the core knowledge they need to be successful. Our Knowledge Organisers aim to support all students at all levels regardless of starting point. Every Knowledge Organiser is specific to each subject and year group. They have been designed to support the delivery of the curriculum inside and outside of the classroom at KS3 and KS4.
What are the benefits of knowledge organisers?
The main benefit of knowledge organisers is that they give students and parents the ‘bigger picture’ of a topic or subject area. Some topics can be complicated, so having the essential knowledge, clear diagrams, explanations and key terms on one document can be really helpful.
Research around memory suggests that if knowledge is studied once and not revisited or revised, it is not stored in our long-term memory. This means that after one lesson, or revising for one test, the knowledge will not be retained unless it is studied again. It won’t be recalled unless it is revisited frequently, which will embed it in the long-term memory.
We would encourage students to use their Knowledge Organisers as a tool to help them revise and review their learning. Students can use Knowledge Organisers in their lessons, to support homework, for revision, to develop their subject-specific vocabulary and independent study.
How can you help your son/daughter?
Every knowledge organiser has been published on the Sandhill View Academy under year group dropdowns
Help your child to create a homework timetable and encourage:
- One hour, five times per week
- 20 minutes each on three different subjects per session
- This equates to 5 hours of homework per week
Quiz your child on the information, help them to create flash cards, mind-maps and posters
If you have any queries concerning the content of any knowledge organiser, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Thank you for your support in implementing this key strategy to help best prepare your child to become more confident, independent and prepared for learning.
Year 7 Knowledge Organisers
Year 8 Knowledge Organisers
Year 9 Knowledge Organisers
Year 10 Knowledge Organisers
Year 11 Knowledge Organisers