Goodbye Year 11
It’s once again that time of year where we say a fond farewell to our latest cohort of Year 11 students. Having all but completed their GCSE exams after weeks of incredibly hard work in revision sessions and interventions, we now release them for study leave for their final few exams and to enjoy their prom at Beamish Hall in a few weeks as well as indulge in the all-important shirt signing rituals!
Mrs Scott, their head of Year has said:
‘Year 11, it’s been an emotional week in school this week for staff and pupils as you prepare to leave school and take your next steps. There’s been lots of tears, hugs and farewells. I know we will all miss you greatly. I must take this opportunity to thank all parents and carers for your support over these past 5 years, I feel like I am loosing you also.
As for year 11, I am struggling put into words how much I have loved being your head of year, getting to know you all. They are by far my most favourite year group I’ve had and I’ve had a few! I will miss you all greatly and I cannot wait to see the majority of you in all of your finery at prom on July 10th for what I know will be a fantastic evening.
It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to you all.’
We now await their all-important results in August and hope to see many happy faces on results day. We wish every one of them the very best for the future.