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Sandhill Alumni Success!

Congratulations to former SHV pupils Curtis Rooks and Luke Ellwood who have recently graduated from University. Curtis achieved a Geology Bsc (Hons) 1st at St. Andrews University and Luke Ellwood achieved Mechanical Engineering (Hons) 1st at Newcastle University. Well done! We...
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A Wonderful Work Discovery Week

Year 9 students visited the Stadium of Light for the ‘Work Discovery Week’ launch. They took part in a host of sessions including a Careers Fair, an employability skills workshop and an interview skills session. Pupils had the opportunity to network with companies such as...
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Park Art

Year 9 pupils have used a variety of materials in collaboration with the Thought Foundation Art Gallery, local artists and scientists to create a sculpture inspired by climate change. They have used cement, found plastic and plaster to create their response to how society views...
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Sandhill Lionesses Celebrate Women’s Football

Our Year 7 and 8 girls’ football teams attended a football festival at Sunderland University. The purpose of the festival was to promote leadership and the women’s world cup.  The girls played a number of games, attended a leadership workshop and even got to try on...
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Race for Life

Thorney Close Primary Years 3, 4 and 5 took part in our annual ‘Sandhill View Race for Life’. All the classes showed great effort running around the course and with some great sportsmanship demonstrated in cheering other runners on.  Our Year 8 and 9 students helped organise...
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Commemorating & Celebrating

Our Year 11 cohort joined us in school one last time as a year group to attend the dedication of a memorial to their fellow student, Josie King. Josie was a much loved Sandhill View student and the short but beautiful ceremony included her brother Jack, planting a yellow rose...
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Joining the Academy

We recently welcomed our latest group of Year 6 students who will be moving into Year 7 in September for their official enrolment into Sandhill View Academy. The parents and pupils had the chance to meet their head of house, make new friends in their tutor groups, learn more...
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Politics in Perspective

Budding Year 9 politicians from Southmoor and Sandhill View were invited to a Politics Open Day at Durham University. They got a flavour of student life attending a lecture on climate change, playing a game to re-enact the distribution of public goods and competed...
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Marvellous Medical Mavericks

Students had the chance to learn about NHS careers with a visit from the ‘Medical Mavericks’ roadshow. They took part in a range of activities including recording their own ECG, taking blood from a fake arm and practising keyhole surgery as well as taking a look inside their own...
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Goodbye & Good Luck Year 11

We said goodbye to Year 11 having released them from all but their remaining exam timetables. Students have worked incredibly hard in revision sessions over the last few terms and will hopefully reap the rewards of their efforts in August! We all wish them the very best in their...
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Hasting Hill Pupils Look to their Future

Hastings Hill students experienced their first Aspirations Workshop, delivered by our Raising Aspirations Coordinator, Miss Ungley. Pupils explored what Aspirations are and how they could succeed in the future. Year 4 students learned about curiosity, and how this has helped...
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Heading for the DesignLab

We are very excited to announce that Sandhill View Academy have been offered 18 fully funded spaces on the DesignLab project, a scheme encouraging young people to engage in the creative industries across the UK. As part of this, Year 10 art and photography students will take part...
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Year 6 Intake Evening

This Wednesday we are welcoming Year 6 students who will be joining us in September as our new Year 7 cohort.   We will be dividing the evening into two separate time slots, one at 4pm and the second at 5pm. Parents should have already received an invitation letter...
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SHV is Racism Aware

As a school, we have now completed the Racism Awareness Programme ran by Challenging Youth Racism. This involved a series of workshops ran by an external provider. This culminated in 14 students spending the day completing a course making them Student Champions. This is aimed at...
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Hows That?

A mixture of Year 7 and 8 students represented the Academy in a highly competitive cricket competition at Ashbrooke Cricket Ground before half term. Following our group games, we qualified for the semi-finals in a gripping game by scoring one more run than our opponents. We fell...
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Winter Gardens Work Experience

Year 10 student Allanah Jo Berry is currently completing her work experience placement at the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens. She is also studying towards an Art Awards qualification in addition to her GCSE’s in school. As part of this she planned her own art...
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Fun at the football Festival

Before half term, year 7 and 8 students represented Sandhill View at a football festival, hosted by Sunderland University. The festival was an opportunity to allow the students to develop an understanding of leadership roles in sport, play competitive football and see past and...
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Nothing to Sniff At

We were visited by Alan the sniffer dog and his handler, who have been into school and visited a number of classrooms and social areas.  This visit is not in response to any particular incident but part of our continued links with the community police, to ensure that we...
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Restructuring of Hearing Impaired Services

We consulted with parents and other stakeholders on changes to Hearing Impaired Provision at SHV.  Following consideration by the relevant agencies our proposals have been accepted and from September 2019 hearing impaired support will be provided directly by Together for...
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Sandhill Ski Supreme

Over Easter pupils embarked upon our annual ski visit to Grandvalira in Andorra. Skiers of all abilities enjoyed a fantastic week with excellent conditions of fresh snow to either learn the basics or challenge their skills on the more advanced runs. Thank you to all involved… we...
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On Year Bike!

At the end of last term year 7 students took part in a bike ride tour of Sunderland for activities day. All of the students completed the 18mile bike ride without any issues and had a great day.  We visited a number of different local attractions including; Penshaw Monument,...
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Are You Future Ready?

Students participated in a range of activities during our second careers focus day last term to help them think about the preparation needed for their futures. Year 9 visited Newcastle University to see for themselves the wide range of subjects which can be studied at degree...
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Prison, Me? No Way!

A range of students from years 7-10 had the opportunity to attend two workshops lead by representatives from ‘Prison, Me? No Way!’. The first session was based on knife crime and was delivered by a retired correctional officer. This looked at the increase in knife crime in recent...
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CSI: Sandhill

At the end of last term, a shocking discovery was made at Newcastle University: The Dr Martin Luther King statue had been stolen from campus! In an attempt to catch the thief and recover the statue, Newcastle University called in the experts from Sandhill View. Year 9 were...
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Fantastic Food Bank Generosity

The Academy received welcome recognition for its fundraising efforts recently after Sunderland Foodbank presented the school with a certificate for its efforts in making donations throughout last year. Our pupils collected an amazing 91.17Kg of food to help feed those families in...
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A Big Business Breakfast

We hosted a range of business leaders including; Barclays, Stagecoach and The Ministry of Justice to name but a few, who joined us for a ‘Business Breakfast’ to forge links with the staff members who are our Careers Champions and encourage links between local businesses and the...
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Year 11 Shoot for Newcastle

To inspire ideas for the upcoming art and photography exams, our GCSE students explored the exciting graffiti areas around the Newcastle/Gateshead Quayside. Year 11s are working very hard on their final projects and it is an amazing experience to what their ideas grow in the...
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Bag Packing Back Packers

Our World Challenge team recently gave up their weekend for a sponsored ‘bag pack’ to raise some much-needed funds for World Challenge – Thailand 2020.  We raised £291.00 in total, over the two days. The girls did a marvellous job and worked very hard to ensure...
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Top Form

Well done to the pupils who have been recognised for their top attendance and Praise Points this term. Students who maintained either excellent attendance or a fantastic attitude to learning were rewarded with a certificate and a chocolate treat just in time for Easter!
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Brilliant Baltic Visit for Art Students

Year 11 art and photography students were lucky enough to spend time in the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead’s Archive to learn how to effectively research and analyse artwork from a range of contemporary sources. This has led to a range of starting points for their...
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Peer Support Prodigies

Sunderland legend Kevin Ball visited the Academy to present students who have been taking part in our Peer Support Project with certificates to acknowledge their participation in weekly training delivered by Sunderland Mind. Pupils are now prepared to...
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Poisson d’Avril!

Year 7 students were celebrating April Fools’ day, French style in their lessons. They were celebrating French Culture through craft by creating ‘Les Poissons d’avril’ The French tradition is to draw and colour in a fish on a piece of paper or card and then to stick it onto...
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Pi in the Sky

To celebrate World Pi Day on Thursday 14th March, our Maths department held a selection of Pi related activities in lesson time for pupils, with lots of challenges that hopefully did not run them circles! There was even time for a celebratory slice of the sweeter...
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A Wonderfull Wordy World Book Day

World Book Day once again featured heavily throughout school with book review competitions, a ‘guess who’ of staff sharing their favourite books and various literature related activities held by our LRC and English team.
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Full STEAM Ahead at the Discovery Museum

Fifty students from Year 8, 9 and 10 attended the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) Careers Fair at the Discovery Museum Campus in Newcastle during National Science and Engineering Week. Students were able to ask questions about a wide range of careers with...
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Thinking Fit

Sandhill View P.E. Department have been working with the ‘Sunderland Lifestyle Activity and Food’ programme to educate and encourage our students to eat well, move more and make healthy life choices. The students attended a number of sessions where they took...
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Talking Apprenticeships

Our Year 9 students recently had a sit down for a question and answer session with members of staff who have recently under-taken apprenticeships within the Academy Trust, two of which are ex-Sandhill students themselves! Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Ridley and Miss. Jenkyns all shared...
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Sandhill at Search for a Star

A massive congratulations to Allanah-Jo Berry, Daniel Priddle and Beth-Anne Coxon who represented Sandhill View Academy in this year’s ‘Search for a Star’ Talent Competition held at Oxclose Academy. This was  an...
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Red Nose Day 2019

The school supported Red Nose Day with a range of events throughout the day to raise money. We had a whole school non-uniform day, along with the student council and Miss Malloy’s tutor group running cake sales. Mr. Heley’s group ran a sponsored penalty shoot-out,...
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Going Digital at Disneyland

Over half term, ICT students attended the ‘Computing Live 2019!’ conference in Disneyland, Paris.  Students visited the Eiffel Tower and cruised along the River Seine in glorious sunshine, on route to the seminar.  The conference was the main focus of the visit, covering:...
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Enrichment Continues at Sandhill View

Enrichment activities at Sandhill View are constantly expanding with the addition of our lunchtime movie screening in the theatre.  Alongside the day-to-day extra-curricular activities on offer, we also have a broad range on a Wednesday from 2.10-4pm. This is an excellent time...
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Digging Deeper into Forensic Archaeology

Durham4Schools hosted a workshop for our Year 9 prospective Sandhill Scholars which involved handling ancient artefacts (including casts of human remains!) and how to identify possible causes of death. Students debated the ethics behind displaying human remains in museums and...
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Student Council in Session

After a great deal of excellent applications for the student council, we have now elected two representatives from each year group, including a Head Boy and Head Girl from Year 11, as well as the Deputy Head Boy and Girl from Year 10.  The council will be the voice of the...
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Social Mobility in the Spotlight

Our students took part in a visit to our Trust by members of the Social Mobility Commission, a Government appointed board. The Commission are tasked with finding ways to encourage a fairer society with more equal opportunities.  They visited to discuss ideas, taking part in meet...
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SHV Geographers Hit the Beach

GCSE Geographers in Year 11 and 10 enjoyed a day out at the beach as part of their Geography lesson.  Pupils investigated the rate of longshore drift and effectiveness of coastal management at Seaham beach.  All pupils worked hard to collect data for their GCSE investigation and...
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Fantastic Futsal

Six Year 8 students represented Sandhill at the Beacon of Light in the Sunderland Schools Futsal competition. Our boys produced excellent performances and were the only team unbeaten in the competition. Overall Sandhill finished 2nd in the group winning three games and drawing...
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Year 11 Get a Buzz

Our year 11 students spent a morning with David Hodgson, the author of the Buzz personality test. He ran a session based on his book Brainbox. This focused on how students learn and the science behind how the brain works and stores information.  This was a great opportunity for...
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Political Points of View

Recently our Scholars students were visited by Gertjan Hoetjes, a politics researcher from Durham University. They learned about the United Nations, including its history, evolution from the League of Nations, and its current role today. They then debated the position that the UK...
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Amazing Apprenticeships

Our year 10 and year 11 students have been reflecting on their future careers. Representatives from ASK, the apprenticeship support and knowledge for schools’ project spoke to our students about the wide variety of opportunities in apprenticeships. Students were amazed that there...
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Shooting for the Stars

Peter Swift from Durham University’s Physics Department visited the Sandhill scholars with a very special prop – an inflatable planetarium!  Students learned about our galaxy, observed stars, constellations and explored the planets in our solar system.  They were taught how...
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