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So Long, Farewell

On Thursday, we said goodbye to our latest Year 11 cohort. Students have worked incredibly hard over the last few terms and will hopefully reap the rewards of their efforts in August! Our class of 2021 enjoyed the traditional ‘guard of honour’ upon leaving before a goodbye...
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Fighting for your Dreams

Year 11 students enjoyed some inspirational words on their final day in school from MMA Fighter and Sandhill View Alumnus, Cal Ellenor. Cal is a successful Mixed Martial Arts sportsman with many professional bouts under his belt. Cal talked about the hard work...
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Careers Explorer Day

Last week, our Year 10 students had the opportunity to explore more about the world of work and to learn about possible future pathways with our first ever Virtual Work Experience and Careers Explorer days. These events took place over two days. On day one, students...
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Developing Skills in Photography

A selected group of art students enjoyed workshop lessons with guest tutor Mat Fleming from The Baltic Art Gallery. Pupils explored film photography and created their own film reel with sharpie pens and inks. They also explored cyanotypes and creating photographs with developer...
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Student Council Meetings

Student councillors met again with Mrs Maw. This year council meetings have been split to match our bubbles but that has meant that each year groups has had more time to discuss the issues that matter most to them. Last time we met, students in years 7, 8 and 9 said they wanted...
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Yet More Riot Act

Year 8 took part in a live virtual performance by The Riot Act called ‘Josh Green’. This lively virtual presentation was delivered in classrooms and gave students the opportunity to explore pedestrian safety, including on public transport, raising awareness of pedestrian dangers...
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Cutting County Lines

Northumbria Police have produced a leaflet on the subject of ‘County Lines’. County Lines is where illegal drugs are transported from one area to another, often across police and local authority boundaries (although not exclusively), usually by children or...
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Virtual Work Experience

On Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th May, all Year 10 students will be taking part in a 2-day Virtual Work Experience and Careers Explorer event. This is a great opportunity for students to find out more about the world of work and also to learn more about their possible post-16...
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Masks Off

As a reward for the fantastic attitude our students have shown to wearing their masks so diligently over the last few months, we were delighted to wheel out the Sandhill Ice Cream Cart once again. Pupils from all year groups helped themselves to a free ice cream over their lunch...
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Real Love Rocks

For the final lesson in the ‘Real Love Rocks’ our Year 7 students took part in an informative workshop around the subject of online porn. It is estimated that 90% of young people have access to porn on the internet and so this workshop’s aim was...
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Helping Out the Homeless

As we reported a few weeks ago we have been helping Sunderland Youth Council gather clothes and other useful items for the homeless within our city. We are delighted to have received plenty of donations to make a sizeable contribution to the campaign. Thank you to everyone that...
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Why Queue?

Year 7 took part in a live virtual performance by The Riot Act called ‘Why Queue?’. This lively virtual presentation was delivered in classrooms and gave students the opportunity to sustainable travel options, both now and in the future. It gave the opportunity to raise awareness...
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Brilliant Club Graduates

A group of Year 9 students have been working with The Brilliant Club on their ‘Scholars Programme’ over the past year. They became ‘disease detectives’, and studied the spread of Malaria with a PhD tutor at university-level. They attended a virtual...
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A Careers Champion

Representatives from ‘Real Love Rocks’ returned to continue their healthy relationships workshop lessons with our Year 7 students. This time the focus was the tough topic of Child Sexual Exploitation. Pupils not only learned the definition of CSE but also how it can take place...
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Stamp of Approval

The winners of the NHS Lockdown Heroes stamp competition that we held in school got the chance to collect their prizes along with a certificate for their fantastic work in creating a stamp design to honour someone they consider a lockdown hero. Well done again to everyone who...
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Sixth Form Taster Day

Over the last two weeks, Year 11 students at Sandhill View have taken part in a fantastic range of Taster Sessions by colleagues who teach in the Southmoor Sixth Form to give them a short sample of what it is like to study these subjects at an advanced level. Students...
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Careers in Geography Week

We continue with our careers weeks taking place throughout the year and we recently saw our Careers Week in Geography. All of our Careers Weeks this year are linked to the Skills Builder Framework and Geography chose to focus on TEAMWORK. This is a significant skill that is...
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Promoting Healthy Relationships with Year 7

Our year 7 students are taking part in Real Love Rocks, which is a 4-week programme aimed at promoting healthy, consensual, and safe relationships, and to raise awareness of grooming and child sexual exploitation. The  first of their sessions looked at consent, and explored...
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Love Learning Art

In the first of our ‘Love Learning’ transition lessons, students explored what they will study in Year 7 at Sandhill View. We talked about what next year’s art lessons will include and students had a lot of questions.  During the taster session...
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Love Learning Begins!

We saw the start of our ‘Love Learning’ lessons for Years 5/6 as part of our transition programme. Our first subject was science.  Year 5 and 6 students brought to life cartoons such as ‘The Snowman’ this evening by digging deeply into scientific models of...
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Covid Heroes Get the Stamp of Approval

We’re taking part in Royal Mail’s Heroes Stamp Design Competition, to honour the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic. We thought it would be a lovely welcome back activity for our Key Stage 3 students to take part in, during art lessons for the next 2 weeks. There...
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Year 9 Cross a Global Bridge

All of Year 9 will be spending some time on Wednesday 21st April dedicated to the #GBFutureStars online careers event hosted by our colleagues at Global Bridge. The event features keynote speakers, such as Steph McGovern, Vicky Gosling OBE and Action Jackson. Lots of...
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Welcome Back!

We saw the phased return of students to school with teaching moving from mostly on screen back to the classroom. During lockdown our students have worked superbly, accessing online lessons to help keep their learning on track. Our pastoral team have been helping everyone settle...
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Ask an Alumnus

We were delighted to hear back from SHV Alumni Laura Jayne Smith, who completed school at Sandhill a few years ago before going on to graduate from the Sixth Form at Southmoor. Laura got in touch with us to tell us what she’s up to now…  Where are you now and what...
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Bags of Opportunity

Year 10 students were able to collect their personalised revision resources bags. After hours of preparation by our dedicated teams of staff, pupils were delighted to receive their packs that are jam-packed with revision workbooks, scientific calculators, geometry sets and...
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Mindful March Shines Through

Let’s take the time to pause, breathe and really take in what’s all around us. This month we’re encouraging our students to take some time to look within. Learning to be more mindful and aware can do wonders for our well-being in all areas of life...
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National Science Week 2021

2020 people may feel was the year of the vaccination but much more happened in Science in the last year with dozens of fantastic science advancements and achievements happening every week that we should continue to celebrate. To this end, we are...
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Kooth Continues to be There for You

We know how difficult the past few weeks have been for you and the young people in your household; dealing with lockdown restrictions and in many cases home schooling.     You may have heard your child mention Kooth through information they...
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From Science Lab to Covid Testing Centre

We welcomed our Year 11s on site for the first of the 3 lateral flow tests, which have to be 3-5 days apart. The Testing site has been set up with military precision and students were superb at keeping to their allocated appointment slots. The test is quick, simple and students...
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World Book Day

This year we will be celebrating World Book Day remotely on Thursday 4th March 2021. During online lessons students will be taking part in World Book Day themed activities, quizzes, and competitions. Every student will also receive a £1 book token on their return to school...
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Year 9 Subject Pathways Virtual Event – Online Now!

Our Subject Leaders have worked hard over the last two weeks to ensure you and your child receive accurate information, regarding their subject, which is essential to you as your child makes their KS4 choices.  Decisions made by Year 9 students about which subjects to study...
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Online Learners of the Week

Well done to all our top online learners this week! You have all gone above and beyond in your home lessons and we’d like to recognise that.
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Children’s Mental Health Week

For Children’s Mental Health Week we are highlighting the importance of mental wellbeing and healthy thought practices to our students. Tutors are making regular welfare calls to pupils with the support of our mental health ambassadors: Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Pitchers and Mrs....
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On the Road to Tokyo

We are launching a fitness challenge for Sandhill pupils and staff, where we must travel from Sandhill to the Olympic Games in Tokyo by running, jogging, walking, dog walking or cycling the distance! This is 5780 miles! So this is a big challenge, but something as a school...
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Pause for Thought on Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day is commemorated each year on the 27th of January. Each year we remember the six million Jewish men, women and children who were killed in ghettos, mass-shootings, concentration camps and extermination camps by Nazis and their collaborators in Europe. We...
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RISE to the Challenge

RISE are launching our virtual Leadership and Volunteering Programme for young people across Northumberland and Tyne & Wear. They are working in partnership with the Youth Sport Trusts Young Coach Academy and Step Into Sport to deliver a fully paid for...
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Pandemic Poets

Miss Potter’s Year 8 English class were challenged with writing their very own Pandemic Poetry last week and have blown the English Department away with their creativity and talent! Well done 8E – Sandhill View’s very own budding poets! You can read some of...
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Online Learners of the Week

Well done to all our top online learners this week! You have all gone above and beyond in your home lessons and we’d like to recognise that. Pupil Name Year Group: Nominated by: Mia Dennis Year 9 Mrs Parker Spencer Robson Year 9 Miss James Niall Aiston  Year 8 Miss...
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Food Hampers Fit for Purpose

You have no doubt seen the negative coverage in the press for the quality of food hampers for parents who need them to help feed their children during a lack of access to the free school meals they would usually receive. We are happy to report that our provider has...
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School Games Club

Whilst we all know how essential it is to encourage young people to be active at this crucial time, the Tyne and Wear School Games Organisers have met this week to discuss what support and motivation we can also offer parents and guardians in keeping themselves physically and...
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Virtual School Library is Open

Oak National Academy have given free access to their fantastic Virtual School Library for students to read for pleasure while they are learning from home. Each week, there will be a new book to access, this week’s book is The Story of Tracey Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson. All...
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County Lines

County lines is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas within the UK, using dedicated mobile phone lines or other forms of “deal line”. They are likely to exploit children and vulnerable...
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Online Learner of the Week

Well done to all our top online learners this week! You have all gone above and beyond in your home lessons and we’d like to recognise that. Online Learner: Year Group: Nominated by: Aaron Kelly Year 7 Mr Buckley Niall Aiston Year 8 Miss Summerside Grace Nelson Year 9 Miss...
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Beating the January Blues

Sunderland School Games are running a virtual health and wellbeing event starting on Monday. January 18th or ‘Blue Monday’ as it has come to be known, is regarded as one of the most difficult days for our mental wellbeing. To help combat this, Sunderland School Games have a range...
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Skill Builder Home Learning Challenges

Whilst students are learning from home, this is an ideal opportunity to develop key skills that they might need for the future. By learning about key employability and transferable skills, students are well prepared to adapt to situations in the future. This week, the focus is...
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Christmas – A Time for Giving

With the support of local businesses (Asda, Stagecoach and SCS) the generosity of our fantastic staff,  we have been collecting and assembling food hampers to distribute to our local community. We have also been working with some amazing local charities, who thanks to...
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Getting into the Festive Feel

We celebrated as part of ‘National Christmas Jumper Day’ in support of the ‘Save the Children’ charity by inviting students to join us in school for a non-uniform day with suitable Christmas attire if they had any! We raised £379.51. Thank you to all who contributed. We also held...
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Book Buzz Delivers

Year 7 and 8 pupils finally got their hands on the free books they ordered as part of the ‘Book Buzz’ programme.  We hope that students enjoy their free books and take the time to read them over Christmas. There are many more books available from our LRC should students wish...
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Scholars Visit Hogwarts

The latest Scholars lecture was on the topic of Harry Potter (something you can actually study at University as part of an ‘Education’ degree!) Students analysed the texts of the Harry Potter stories, looking at gender, relationships and LGBTQ+ identity. They...
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Cracking Christmas Cards

Thank you to everyone who entered our recent ‘design a Christmas card’ competition. We had some very colourful and interesting entries. The winner though, goes to Adam Bramley who produced this marvellous – and very professional looking – card for us. Well done Adam, we...
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