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Micro Masterpieces

Students in Year 9 enjoyed a taster GCSE photography lesson. Pupils combined art and science by exploring microscopic artwork. They then recreated this with water and ink, experimented with digital manipulation and created these wonderful, repeated patterns which are now proudly...
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Shakespeare in Action

A selection of our Year 8 girls experienced a Shakespeare workshop delivered by West End Schools where they performed various sections of Romeo and Juliet. The girls were shown how to act out fight scenes and recited Shakespeare’s lines from the most prominent scenes of the...
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Building Character with Sandhill Scholars

Julian Lawrence – senior lecturer at Teesside University and storyboard artist for ‘Ed, Edd and Eddy’ – delivered a comic book drawing workshop to our Scholars. We learned how to draw a character using basic shapes such as circles, squares and ovals, and...
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Careers in PE Week

In PE, pupils completed a military style entry test based around aerobic endurance and muscular endurance which included students leading each other through various exercise. All students showed leadership qualities through motivating others within the more challenging stages of...
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Year 9 Pupil Progress Evening

Monday 24th January 2022 4:00pm – 6:00pm Our Year 9 Pupil Progress Evening will take place on Monday 24th January 2022 from 4.00pm to 6.00pm when subject teachers will be available to discuss your child’s current progress and their performance which will help you to make informed...
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Bound for Beamish

Year 8 students took time out of school on Thursday to attend an Industrial Revolution workshop at Beamish Museum. Pupils had fun exploring the outdoor museum as well as learning about the tremendous changes to our lives that...
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Christmas Jumper Day 2021

We asked pupils to donate tins of food for the local food bank in return for wearing non-uniform and Christmas jumpers for the day. Our students showed their support in a big way with a bonanza of food to help supply our local food-banks and give a helping hand for...
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Bard Talk

Some of our Year 9 girls took part in a Shakespeare in Action workshop that focused on the play Romeo and Juliet. Students developed their confidence with understanding Shakespearean language and using expression to show an understanding of the Shakespearean characters.
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This Week in SMSC

In the final few weeks of 2021, Sandhill View students have again been distinguishing themselves during SMSC lessons by discussing important issues with maturity. Exemplary attitude for learning has consistently been visible in lessons, and pupils have continued to develop oracy...
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Book Buzz Arrives

All of Year 7 and 8 were gifted a book from the school as part of the Bookbuzz programme from Booktrust. The students were able to select a book of their choice out of 17 different ones to take home and enjoy.   To celebrate the launch of Bookbuzz 2021 we are also running a...
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Destination Success

We were joined by the ‘Enact’ theatre group who delivered a presentation titled “Destination Success” to Year 9 which highlighted the diversity of courses and routes available to student’s post-16 as well as the range of qualifications available and how there is a learning...
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Advent of Kindness

On the run up to Christmas we are encouraging our students to share a little extra festive kindness with their peers, teachers, friends and family. By practicing simple acts of kindness, we can not only spread cheer amongst those around us but also improve our own wellbeing...
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Careers in Geography Week

Careers in Geography saw pupils become part of the Immediate Response Team in Nepal in charge of making on the spot decisions of where and when to send relief and rescue teams. Pupils worked in groups to decide which locations would be best to focus resources and had to respond...
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Sandhill Scholars Peer into the Human Brain

Dr Amy Pearson visited from Sunderland University and spoke to the scholars about her research specialism – Neurodiversity. Students learned about different variations in the human brain, and how these manifests themselves in different conditions, including Autism,...
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Eco Team is Go for Green

We launched our Eco team in full, with the new members having a chance to share their opinions and ideas with local leaders who visited us in school, including Leader of Sunderland City Council and Chair of the North East Combined Authority, Councillor Graeme...
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Crime Solving Sandhill Scholars

The Sandhill Scholars experienced their first lecture by Peter Beveridge, of Teeside University, who worked with the students to re-enact a crime scene investigation and challenge their thinking throughout the process. Students had to imagine the roles of victims, perpetrators...
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Christmas Card Competition Winner

Well done to: Adam Bramley, who won our art competition to create this year’s official academy Christmas card. Adam impressed the judges with an elaborate cut our card that folded down to create a festive scene. Well done Adam, the winning card will now be turned into...
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Careers Fair 2021 

Our annual Careers Fair returned for all year groups. Students had the opportunity to speak to a vast range of employers, educational providers and training providers including Milltech, Seta, Northumbria Police, The Armed...
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NCS Workshops

A selection of Year 11 students were joined by guests from the NCS (National Citizenship Service) to take part in special workshops to develop their team working and presenting skills. Students were challenged to work in teams to create their own rap before performing...
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Sandhill Students at the Sixth Form

Year 11 students from Sandhill View attended The Sixth Form at Southmoor for a taster day. Pupils had the chance to see what our sixth form can offer. This includes now only the facilities available to them but also a chance to try out some of the courses we offer...
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Children in Need 2021

As our country recovers from a difficult period caused by the global pandemic, it is impossible not to acknowledge the huge impact successive lockdowns have had on the mental health and wellbeing of children in the UK, and for those who were already...
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Year 10 Get a Taste of College

Year 10 students spent a morning at Newcastle College. Students started the day with a presentation about being a Newcastle College student. Students then split off into groups and had a tour of the college.  Finally, students had a taster session in a subject they were...
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Year 9 Poetry Perfection

Year 9 have been exceptional over this half term and have completed three A-Level poems.  This has included independent analysis, use of high-end terminology and some breath-taking interpretations. Some highlights (but there are too many to list) were from Sonny, Abigail,...
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Sandhill Scholars Consider Sociological Stories

Emma Maslin – a PhD student at Durham University – delivered a lecture, analysing the Harry Potter series through a Sociological lens. Students discussed the concept of ‘sorting’, and how in fact we are ‘sorted’ in our everyday lives. Students...
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In Remembrance

In assemblies every year group took part in Remembrance Day commemorations. Students reflected on why we mark Remembrance Day alongside an impeccably observed two-minute silence with the rest of the nation at 11:00am. This year students...
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Pals Battalion

Year 9 students took part in a workshop with Pals Battalion. Students virtually met Henry – a WW1 soldier – who spoke about his experiences in the trenches. They were given the opportunity to ask questions about aspects of life...
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Careers in Art Week

As part of Craeers in Art week, Year 10 art students have been commissioned to create artwork for the Senior Teams office inspired by inspirational people. Mrs Dodd and Mr Castling will choose their favourites to be framed and displayed in their office. There will also...
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Sandhill Scholars Expand Their Language Horizons

Ramzi Merabet, Leeds University, delivered an Arabic taster session to the scholars. Students began by discussing the benefits of learning Arabic, and were surprised to learn how widely spoken the language is. They then worked in pairs to recite basic greetings, such as...
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Crisp Packets Wanted!

As part of our school-wide Eco Drive, students in our Bridge provision have set up a school-wide programme to collect empty crisp packets which will be recycled and made into space blankets and sleeping bags for homeless people. We need pupils and their parents to help by...
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Sunderland School Indoor Athletics

  Year 8 students represented Sandhill View Academy at the Sunderland Schools’ Indoor Athletics Competition. Students competed in six track events and five field events. All students gave 100% effort and showed great resilience and teamwork throughout. Official results...
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The Goings Good!

It’s Official, Sandhill View Academy is a ‘Good’ School Staff and students at Sandhill View Academy are delighted to be officially recognised as a good school in all areas, following their recent Ofsted inspection.  In his feedback to senior leaders, lead inspector Carl...
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Sandhill Scholars at St Chads

Year 10 participants of our scholars’ programme attended St Chad’s College in Durham. Scholars had lunch, a welcome meeting from the principal, a student life talk with ambassadors and a college tour.    Sandhill Scholars is...
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On An Eco Drive

In conjunction with the COP26 climate change conferenc we wanted to have a massive push on raising environmental awareness and doing our bit to support the planet.   We have purchased new recycling bins for both paper and plastic which are now situated around...
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Autumn Activities in Action

Over half term we hosted a selection of activities for students to enjoy as part of our Autumn Activities. Pupils got the chance to compete in various multi-sports and crafts activities as part of the provision we provide every Autumn Half Term.
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Special Guest Speaks on LGBTQ+

Sandhill View students were privileged to receive a visit from a very special guest: Michael Mather, star of Channel 4’s It’s A Sin and numerous West End productions, delivered an inspirational talk to all of our pupils about the LGBTQ+ community, its history, the HIV...
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We once again showed our support for World Mental Health Day by encouraging students to wear something yellow to school. Students substituted items of their uniform with something yellow to show their support for mental wellbeing and the #HelloYellow campaign led by the...
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BookBuzz Returns

We are once again taking part in the ever popular ‘Book Buzz’ campaign. Students from Year 7 and 8 found out about the free selection of books that were on offer for this year’s Book Buzz initiative. From horror to historical drama, action adventure to slice of life...
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This Week in SMSC

In personal development assemblies, students have been learning about and celebrating British Values all week, with pupils demonstrating their understanding of Rule of Law, Democracy, Mutual Respect and Tolerance and Individual Liberty. One year 10 student summed it up best...
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Positive Points Add Up to Success

Jaxon Gunn (Year 7) recently earned 65 positive praise points through our new ClassCharts system. This was the highest in his year group and won him two tickets for the Sunderland Vs Cheltenham game which were presented to him in...
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Thrilling Football Trials

Our young footballers laced up their boots and showed us their skills in our after-school football trials. There was already some fantastic teamwork on display as some of our most football fanatical students took to the pitch. Thank you to everyone who took part, there was...
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Academy Open Evening 2021

This year’s open evening was a huge success, as more parents than ever before visited to find out more about our school.  Feedback from parents was incredibly positive, especially when it came to the passion of our staff and students and all...
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Music Morning

As part of The Sunderland Music Hub’s Music Week, our Year 7’s have taken part in a very exciting music morning! Joined in the theatre by external music and instrumental teachers, Sandhill View was able to offer a workshop which...
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Something Spooky in the Works

Our performing arts enthusiasts are already hard at work prepping for our special Halloween school performance which will take place on Thursday 14th October between 5:30 – 7:00pm. Our budding thespians have been enhancing their best horror performances over lunch...
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Alumni Ambassadors

Well done to Leona Barker & Annabel Rooks, Sandhill View alumni who have gone on to a very successful start at our associated Sixth Form at Southmoor. Leona and Annabel have been fantastic ambassadors for the sixth form, speaking to Year 11 about their...
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This Week in SMSC

The new term has started exceptionally well in terms of our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development here at Sandhill View. In SMSC lessons there have already been a number of interesting, engaging and mature discussions about topics ranging from puberty, commitment and...
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Introducing Class Charts

This year Sandhill View has started to use Class Charts to track and monitor behaviour and attendance.  We will also be using it as our main form of home/school communication – replacing the MyEd app. ClassCharts is an award winning classroom management tool, which has been...
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Open Evening 2021

Academy Open Evening: Monday 20th September at 5:00pm We are excited to once again throw open our doors and welcome everyone to our Academy Open Evening 2021! We really missed celebrating this event in school last year due to the pandemic, so this year there will be extra prizes...
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Year 8 Discuss Healthy Relationships

Our Year 8 students took part in a live session on the topic of healthy relationships and consent ran by Together for Children. Students focused on the idea of exactly what consent was, how it relates to the relationships we have and the importance of understanding what is and is...
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Empathy Day

On Thursday 10h June in tutor time, students took the time to discuss the topic of empathy. We guided our pupils in the idea that having empathy is like putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and trying to understand the challenges that other people face. Through...
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Updated Guidance on Close Contacts in a School Setting

NHS Test & Trace now offer a PCR test to anyone who is identified as needing to self-isolate due to being a close contact of a person who has tested positive for Covid-19.  It is recognised that not all school-based contacts (e.g. school bubble) will flow...
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