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GCSE Results Day Information

GSCE Results Day is this Thursday 25th September. Sandhill View students may collect their results from 9am in the LRC. We ask those attending to collect their results to please enter via the Gindon Lane side entrance and not via main reception as this usual entrance is closed...
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Active Sunderland Gold Award

We are delighted to announce that Sandhill View has achieved the Great Active Sunderland Schools Charter Gold Award. The Great Active Sunderland Schools Charter was launched in September 2015. The Charter has been developed as an improvement tool and to give credit to those key...
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SHV Summer Reading Bingo

Over the summer holidays take part in the ‘Summer Reading Bingo Challenge’. Try to complete all of the tasks on your bingo card throughout the summer for the chance to win a prize! • Complete one line (3 tasks from the same line – horizontally) to be in with a chance to...
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Robotics with Year 6

We invited primary school pupils from our local feeder schools into the academy as we hosted a VEX Robotics workshop. VEX Robotics is an educational robotics tool designed for everyone. VEX solutions span all levels of both formal and informal education with accessible and...
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The Pandemic Project Celebration

Year 8 students who took part in the ‘Pandemics Through Time’ project celebrated their achievements at Palace Green Library, Durham. Students delivered a presentation to their families and guests about the archive they created, and their art pieces were exhibited at...
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Primary Race for Life 2022

Primary school pupils from Years 3, 4 and 5 took part in our annual ‘Sandhill View Race for Life’. All the classes showed great effort running around the course and with some great sportsmanship demonstrated in cheering other runners on. Our Year 8 and 9 students helped organise...
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Prom Perfect

After a break due to Covid-19 related restrictions we welcomed back our much-anticipated Year 11 Prom! After all of the hard work and effort put into their GCSEs it was time for Year 11 to dress up and celebrate in the sunshine for their extravagant Prom at The Ramside Hall...
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School Garden Grand Opening

After much hard work throughout the year by our Eco Team with the support of students from The Bridge and peers in every year group, we held the grand opening of our school garden project, inviting in governors and staff as well as other special guests to see the work our pupils...
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In the Know on Knowledge Organisers

Miss Tallentire took the time to introduce students to the concept of a ‘Knowledge Organiser’. A Knowledge Organiser is a single page document that lists the important facts that children should know by the end of a topic. It is the minimum that needs to be...
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Sandhill View Awards Season Begins

We kicked off our awards celebration season with ceremonies taking place for students in year 7 & 8 who were recognised for their achievement throughout this academic year. Both of our ceremonies were a resounding success with huge turnouts from parents and carers eager to...
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Awards Evenings 2022 Next Week!

Today sees the start of our annual award ceremonies. We’d like to invite you to join us at the Academy to celebrate the success of our students’ achievements throughout this academic year together. The dates and times for each year group are as follows: Year 7 Awards...
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Matilda Wows Audiences

The talented cast and crew of our long-awaited school production of Matilda wowed a packed-out audience of parents, teachers, and guests from our local community. Onlookers were stunned by the talent and enthusiasm shown by our students who have been hard at work for many...
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Year 7 & 8 Summer Fair

We are delighted to invite parents to come along to our Year 7 and 8 Summer Fair. We have all had a very challenging couple of years and as a result our doors at Sandhill View Academy have been open less. To readdress the balance we would like to invite you to come along and...
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Transition Week 2022

We welcomed over 150 Year 6 pupils from primary schools across the city to join us for three days of finding out everything they need to know about Sandhill View Academy, thus making their transition to secondary school in September much less daunting for them.   It was...
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Awaiting Matilda

It’s now less than a week until our school production of Matilda hits the stage! The cast and crew are putting the finishing touches to the show which looks to be one of our most ambitious performances yet. The show is for one night only on Thursday 30th June at 5pm and we...
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Summer Uniform Pop Up Shop

Over the summer break, our school uniform supplier, Elizabeth’s Embroidery, are holding a pop up shop at the school on the following dates and times: Monday 25th July 11am – 3pm  Monday 15th August 12pm – 4pm. Access to our school site for both dates will...
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Charlie Reaching New Highs

As featured in this week’s Headteacher’s Award, we celebrate the sporting success of Charlie Hutchinson (Year 8) who is surely on the way to becoming a trampolining super star. Not only has Charlie recently won the Sunderland Schools Trampolining Competition but...
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How Our Garden Grows

Students have been working on the expansion of another four vegetable beds to expand our ability to grow more food. We have also picked our first set of Little Gem lettuce and radish! As the peak of summer is ahead of us, we are certainly looking forward to harvesting more...
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Discovering the Rocky World

Year 7 are currently studying ‘The Rocky World’, a recent lesson was understanding the importance of soil. With the beautiful weather, it was an excellent opportunity for students to go out to the school garden to complete the lesson outside.  During the lesson...
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One Last Farewell

We invited our Year 11 students to join us one last time for their special leavers’ assembly. After completing their final GCSE exam, our students came together with their Year Leader, Miss Clarkson, our Headteacher Mrs Dodd and special guest, Trust CEO, Mrs Maw. in this...
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The Pandemic Project

Year 8 students from Southmoor and Sandhill took part in an exclusive ‘Pandemics Through Time’ project with Newcastle University and Durham University. They spent 4 days exploring both historic pandemics and COVID-19 through different academic lenses. Students visited...
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Sandhill Ski 2023 Open For Signups!

Miss Malloy and Mrs Barnes introduced our students to all the details regarding our ‘Sandhill Ski’ school trip 2023. Students in Years 7, 8 & 9 (going into Years 8, 9 & 10 next year) will have the opportunity to join us for an exciting adventure in the mountains of...
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Gardening Glory

After a week of half term the weeds had certainly grown in the school garden! Students have been working extremely hard to keep on top of the things. The vegetables are growing well and in the coming weeks, lettuce, radish, and spring onions will be ready to be harvested!...
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Year 10 Progress Evening 2022

Our Year 10 Pupil Progress Evening will take place at Sandhill View Academy on Monday 4th July 2022 from 4.00pm to 6.30pm, where subject teachers will be available to discuss your child’s current progress, performance and behaviour for learning. I am sure you will find this...
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Generation Green on Video

Following our Eco Team’s trip to Boggle Hole the Youth Hostel Association’s ‘Generation Green’ program have released a video made whilst the team were there, highlighting our visit and discussing the benefits that this experience has on young peopl...
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Mental Health Matters

We welcomed representatives from the national charity ‘Mental Health Matters.’ The charity’s aims are to promote the wellbeing of persons who are experiencing mental or physical health problems or illnesses; however those problems or illnesses have arisen. Mental health...
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Global Acts of Unity

Some of our Year 10 students were fortunate to attend a presentation by Mike Haines, founder of the charity Global Acts of Unity. Mike set up the charity after his brother, David, a humanitarian aid worker, was murdered by Islamic State (ISIS) in 2014. David had been working to...
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GCSE Exams Commence

Our year 11 students began their ultimate test of their time at Sandhill View Academy. Our pupils have been working hard in revision classes to prepare for the first formal, in-school GCSE examinations in over two years. The behaviour of our year 11 group has been impeccable...
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Eco Team Dig-In

At this time of year, the garden is buzzing back to life and our school garden is no exception. It has been an extremely busy few weeks for our Eco Team. Students have been planting beetroot and radish directly into our vegetable garden and have been hardening off existing plants...
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Triple Attendance Perfection

Well done to Imogen, Michael and Milly Laing (Year 11) who are celebrating their outstanding commitment to school with not a single day off in not only their time at Sandhill View but also their entire time at primary school at Hasting’s Hill. Spanning 12 years of education, this...
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Maths in the Kitchen

Last week a group of Year 9 pupils visited Blackfriar’s cookery school to explore how mathematics skills are used in a culinary context. Students had a fantastic time making brownies and pizzas – although some of the food was so tasty, it didn’t even make...
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Easter Eggstravaganza Winners!

Last week we celebrated our Easter top attenders by rewarding those students who kept their attendance at 100% for the last half of this term. Well done to: Cameron Cooke, Deacon Anderson, Kate Armstrong, Lacey Lackenby, Beth-Anne Coxon, Alex...
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Sunderland’s Search for a Star 2022

Last Wednesday our recent ‘Sandhill Stars’ talent competition winners joined performers from across Sunderland secondary schools at Search for a Star 2022. The event was compered by students from Monkwearmouth Academy, winners of the 2020 competition and hosted by Sunderland...
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Bright Sparks Return

On a few weeks ago, our year 9 mathematicians attended the second Bright Sparks maths session where they tackled a brand new topic. They worked with modular values and used these to prove divisibility tests for 3 and 11. Once again, they represented the school amazingly at this...
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Revision Skills Workshop

As we move closer to the return of official exams this year GCSE students took part in a revision workshop where they learned about a variety of revision techniques including mnemonics, using post-it notes around the house and making mind-maps. They learned how to harness these...
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Hand Ball Heroes

Our Year 8 boys took part in the Sunderland school games Handball competition. This was the boys first ever Handball event. The team competed against seven other schools from the Sunderland area. The boys did a fantastic job winning three of their games. They showed good...
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Raising Money for Red Sky

On Friday we encouraged our pupils to wear red as part of a non-uniform day in aid of The Red Sky Foundation. We are proud to support the work of this amazing local charity who are raising money to improve the life of cardiac patients who are born with or develop heart conditions...
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More Future Mathematicians

lAST week we welcomed back Primary School pupils from our local feeder schools to try their hand at some of the advanced maths concepts they will study in secondary school. Pupils had the chance to test their numeracy skills individually and in small groups, working with their...
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Sandhill’s Got Talent

The stage was set last Thursday for our talented students as an impressive range of acts competed in our annual ‘Search For A Star’ event. Judges were blown away by the variety of flair shown by the performers. Acts included singers, dancers, rappers, ballerinas,...
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Additional Help for Students Taking Exams

Ofqual Support Package for Students Taking Exams in Summer 2022 An unprecedented package of support has been put in place for students. Advance information will help them focus their revision. Exam boards have provided advance information for exams in most subjects. Students will...
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Future Me Ask; Why HE?

Year 10 and Year 11 were joined by representatives from Future Me in assembly to discuss what Higher Education can mean for them. Students were challenged on their pre-conceived notions of Higher Education, including culture, cost and other perceived restrictions, and...
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Cracking Code Breakers

A group of year 9, year 10 and year 11 girls participated in a series of interactive sessions with Sunderland University. These sessions varied from Code Breakers which involved deciphering Morse Code; Gaming development which allowed students the opportunity to design their own...
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Building Up To Constructive Careers

Year 11 students enjoyed a morning at Resources North East in Southwick sampling bricklaying and joinery. Students expressed an interest in these areas at our careers fair and were given the opportunity to have ‘hands on’ experience in what apprenticeships and...
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Banksy Bounding

During the GCSE Art and Photography taster session students analysed and explored the work of contemporary street artist, Banksy. Students worked in small groups discussing and understanding the artwork they had been given. As a taster for photography students responded to...
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Holocaust Awareness Workshop

The 27th of January marked Holocaust Memorial Day. Students took time in tutor to reflect on this year’s theme of ‘One Day’. Students were asked to take the day to hope that ‘One Day’ genocide will be no longer. Also, Year 9 students had the...
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Every Day Counts

Mr. Goodwin held assemblies upon the importance of attendance. Throughout the school closures, due to the recent pandemic, making every day at school count has become more important than ever. Mr Goodwin used his love of Maths to demonstrate how data clearly shows how closely...
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Careers in Performing Arts

For Careers in Performing Arts week, we have been focusing on the different career options across the music sector including jobs in education, a record producer, singer/songwriter, sound engineer and box office ticket assistant. We have discussed transferable skills that are...
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Green Fingers

The Eco Team gathered for a demonstration on how to plant trees and a walk around our school garden. As a school we have ordered 450 native trees and shrubs to plant around school creating vital wildlife corridors which is aimed at reduce the carbon footprint...
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Buzz About School

Our Year 11 students spent time with David Hodgson, the author of the ‘Buzz’ personality test. He ran a session based on his book Brainbox. This focused on how students learn and the science behind how the brain works and stores information. This was a great...
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