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Our G.C.S.E results are in!

A difficult year involving a lot of hard work from students and staff has certainly paid off, following our recent GCSE results! We are delighted to be the second most improved school in Sunderland, regarding our five A*-C’s including English and maths figures – 46% of our...
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Sports Day 2015

On the last week of term this year we held our annual sports days. Each year group from years 7 – 9 took up the colours of a country to represent them across several events. Teams competed with each other to score points across a host of events such as 100m sprint, discus,...
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Art & Design Showcase

Starting on Tuesday 7th July our G.C.S.E art students got to the chance to show off their creative talents in the Summer Art Show which took place in the school theatre. From the opening preview night on the 7th the show was open to the public on the evenings and to the students...
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Between Tuesday the 30th June and Thursday 2nd July our drama enrichment pupils staged a fantastic rendition of the musical fame at the school to very appreciateive audiences from the local community. The cast have worked tirelessly on the production since the start of the school...
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Placeholder Post 4

Maecenas vehicula, felis sit amet vehicula ornare, risus nulla imperdiet leo, in iaculis mi risus ac ipsum. Ut sodales, libero sit amet dapibus iaculis, neque eros laoreet nisi, interdum interdum lorem risus sit amet elit. Donec a justo nec lectus volutpat vulputate sed ac purus....
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Placeholder Post 3

Proin tristique orci sed nunc feugiat sodales. Quisque sodales odio quis convallis sollicitudin. Sed vel pulvinar metus. Maecenas at mauris leo. Donec et augue elit. Fusce pulvinar porta ornare. Nulla dapibus at nulla at pulvinar. Aenean in turpis gravida felis interdum...
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Placeholder Post 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eget molestie diam, quis accumsan lorem. Curabitur ac dui ultrices, venenatis mauris vitae, imperdiet est. Fusce feugiat ac nunc non tincidunt. Duis auctor dolor a dignissim pulvinar. Pellentesque lacinia feugiat...
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New School Website Live!

We are very excited to welcome you to our brand new school website. We have been working very hard over the past few months to bring together a website that will help better represent the school with its online presence. The new website is stuffed with all sort of useful...
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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
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