Anti-Bullying Week 2016
Last week Sandhill View Academy took part in National Anti-Bullying Week 2016, launching the #NOBYSTANDERS campaign that will be running throughout the year. Students took part in a range of activities during extended tutor time which addressed understanding ‘what is bullying’ and how not to be a bystander through class discussions and debates.
On Monday South Tyneside Against bullying were invited into the academy to introduce Anti Bullying Week through an assembly to each year group throughout the day. Kidscape joined in the week’s activities by speaking to a select group of students from years 7, 8, 9 and 10 through 40 minute workshops concentrating on #NOBYSTANDERS.
Having adopted #NOBYSTANDERS, students were given the opportunity to sign the pledge on Thursday and Friday lunchtime advocating the campaign. Each student who signed received a badge that they can proudly display on their blazer on a day to day basis. Alongside this, staff also showed their commitment to the pledge by wearing t-shirts from Wednesday to Friday promoting the statement. Students completed the week by creating super hero masks, comic strips, posters and poems to be displayed in the academy as a reminder to be positive about our Anti bullying campaign.