Final Fling for Farrell Project
Last week saw the final day of the Farrell project between a group of Year 9 students and Newcastle university…. and wow what a fantastic day they had. This group of students represented our school in a fantastic way, we were incredibly impressed and felt massively proud of their work, attitude and how they communicated with the university staff.
They had a real feel for the pressure an architect must feel when put under tight deadlines….. but they showed so much resilience and perseverance and worked incredibly well as a team. The work that they have produced is a real sign of their enjoyment and focus, not to mention the skills and knowledge learnt, on top of lovely memories that they have made. We do hope this has planted the seeds for future creativity, potential further and higher education, and many possible career pathways that these students could pursue.
The students work will be on display in the window of the Farrell centre in Newcastle from the 10th of July, if you are passing, please take a look.