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End of Term Winter Wonderland

We rounded off our term in a suitably festive style by rewarding our 95 for 95 and 100 for 100 students. Last term we ran incentives to encourage students to give us at least 95% attendance and behaviour which means being in school with a good attitude towards learning. As a...
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Celebrating Our Reading Leaders

Some of our Year 10 students have been volunteering to help support some of our Year 8 students with their reading fluency and comprehension during tutor-time. We are extremely proud of how mature and supportive they have been over the last term and appreciate their on-going help...
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Students Seek Out Sunderland Uni

Last month, as part of our careers program all of Year 10 were taken to Sunderland University for the day. Three coaches arrived taking us all to the central campus. On arrival we headed to the Murray Lecture Theatre where we carried out ice breaker games and were introduced to...
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