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Sandhill Scholars Return

Our Scholars programme 2023 – 24 started off with an authentic learning experience at Sunderland City Council. Students took part in seminars and a conference with representatives from the city about Sunderland as a ‘Smart city’. They learnt about how important...
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Eco Team Back in Action

Eco team have been back at it again since returning to school in September, harvesting the remaining summer crops such as beans, peas, potatoes and desperately waiting for the pumpkins to ripen!  Autumn preparations are underway with the old potato beds being cleared and re-edged...
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Academy Council Get to Work

Last week we held our very first Academy Council meeting of the school year. Our Academy Council includes representatives from every form group in every year that come together on a regular basis to work together with our school leadership and discuss issues important to our...
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MWorld Mental Health Day 2023

WMHD 2023 is this Tuesday, 10th October. This year, mental health charities and the World Health Organisation are encouraging people to unite behind the theme “mental health is a universal human right.”  Here at SHV, all students will be discussing both mental health and the...
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