0191 594 9992

Art at the Farrell Centre

Year 9 students once again visited the Farrell Centre in Newcastle, this time exploring the exhibition being held there and working with artist Sam Shelley to create etchings from sustainable and recycled materials. We even used a pasta machine instead of a printing press.
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Crest is Best

Last Tuesday the Year 7s were given the opportunity to complete the CREST discovery award. They were challenged to solve issues of flooding and the destruction of crops. All Year 7’s embraced the concept and worked relentlessly on key skills such as teamwork and creativity...
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Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Brilliance

The first group of Year 10 students successfully completed their Duke of Edinburgh bronze expedition last week. The group set off early on Tuesday morning arriving at Housesteads Visitor Centre. They then completed their 8km hike in cold and wet conditions before successfully...
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