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Spooky Spectacular Shocks

We were delighted to welcome a sold-out audience into the academy after school hours for our first show of the academic year. Pupils have been working incredibly hard on the show since the start of term, using their lunch breaks and after-school free time to perfect their...
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I Spy

MFL Enrichment is welcoming SHV pupils who want to learn ‘How to become a Spy or a Special Agent’. The club meets after school on a Monday in MFLIT and complete challenges in their own handbooks called ‘The Secret Agent’s Handbook of Language Challenges’. Pupils use the...
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Careers in Biology Week

Biology is the study of life. It is an exciting time to be a biologist. Biologists are working to solve some of the world’s the biggest challenges currently faced by people and the planet – fighting disease, protecting the environment, and feeding our growing...
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Wonderful Watercolours

Students created beautiful expressive artwork using online tutorials to build confidence to work independantly over half term. We are so impressed with them and their dedication this term, well done to our Year 10 artists!
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This Week in SMSC

In personal development assemblies, students focused on the idea of aiming high. Our school motto is ‘Aspire, Achieve, Enjoy’ which was strongly reflected in this week’s theme, challenging our students to go further and strive to reach new goals they might not have...
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Hitting a High at the Sunderland School Games

Sandhill View attended the first event of the Sunderland School Games. We took a team of students to AAA Sports Centre to compete in the Sunderland Schools Trampoline Competition. All the students did extremely well, completing the next step 3...
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Year 7 in the Kitchen

Year 7 students got the chance to take their first practical lessons in technology as they donned their aprons and prepared their ingredients. Pupils created a delicious vegetable soup using fresh ingredients with some fantastic results despite this being the first time...
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