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The Scholars Graduate

The Sandhill View and Southmoor Scholars graduated from the programme – a huge well done to everyone for their resilience, curiosity and hard work throughout the year! We were privileged to invite Revd. David Rushton from St Chad’s College, Durham University, as our...
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Getting Active in Sports Week

Year’s 7, 8 and 9 took part in Activ5 and National school sports week. They took part in mini mixed tournaments in bench ball and football and competed against each other in athletic events. Through sport, the students collectively worked on teamwork,...
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Year 11 Art Exhibition

We celebrated the fantastic artwork of Year 11 Art Class of 2021 with an exhibition of their work. The exhibition included pieces from the students during their time in Art, from Year 9 all the way through to Year 11. Family, friends and students were invited to celebrate from...
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Skills Builder Silver

We are delighted to announce that, following our participation in the Skills Builder Accelerator programme this year, we have been awarded with the SILVER Award. This is a significant achievement for our school and puts us in a select group of schools and colleges who have...
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