We have a whole school approach to CEIAG at Sandhill View Academy, with every member of staff helping to deliver quality and impartial CEIAG, allowing students to access the necessary information to help them make informed decisions about their future.
You can contact any member of the careers team by calling the Academy or emailing us at: careers@sandhillview.com
Mr A. Blake
Assistant Head: Personal Development
Responsible for the strategic leadership of CEIAG across the Academy and development of external links with employers, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities. Responsible for developing the Careers Strategy within the academy, the ongoing monitoring and evaluating of this strategy, and the provision of high quality CPD for staff. Responsible for the delivery and monitoring of careers in SMSC time and the development of programme of high quality Careers Education to develop students’ resilience, self-esteem and aspiration.
Mrs J. Robinson
Careers Advisor across the Trust
Responsible for careers guidance interview, establishing external links with employers, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities, the management of our Work Experience programme for Year 10 and Year 12 students and liaising with parents and staff to give Careers Advice.
Mrs L. McCombe
Raising Aspirations Coordinator
Lead ‘Skill Builder’ activities as well as our Year 10 Scholars group. Promotion of the wide range of progression routes available including: sixth forms, colleges, further education, higher education. Raising the aspirations of pupils to increase social mobility through promotion of further/higher education by mentoring/supporting and offering a range of internal and external experiences to broaden knowledge and horizons. Establish links across the Trust and with Russell Group Universities.
Mrs A. Johnston
Deputy Headteacher
Promote good work skills across the Academy, especially attendance punctuality and ‘behaviours for the work place’. Also to promote post 16 pathways and support the CEIAG programmes.
Mrs L. Turner
Teacher of Science / STEM Co-ordinator
Promote STEM activities/events and opportunities and STEM careers.
Mrs A. Summerside
Assistant Head: SENCO
Support of SEN students with their individual careers action plans.
Mrs A. O’Donnell
Attendance Officer
Monitor/promote attendance and punctuality and link to world of work.
Pupil Achievement Mentors
Encourage students to think positively about their future exams and career prospects and how they can enhance their life chances, and raise aspirations and self esteem as well as give feedback specific to student needs (or opportunities) to the CEIAG team. Signpost students to appropriate CEIAG advice and information.
Support the CV building and letter of application.
Heads of Year and Pastoral Teams
Delivery of the tutor time programme for careers education and support of work experience and other work-related learning programmes.
Year 11 Tutors
Deliver the Year 11 programme for careers education, support students with further education applications, CV writing and interviews.
Year 10 Tutors
Deliver the Year 10 programme for careers education and support the work experience and mock interview process.
Year 7-9 Tutors
Deliver the tutor time programme for careers education. To support the Year 9 ‘Take your child to work day’ programme as well as supporting the Year 9 option process. Help prepare students for the world of work and provide careers advice.
All Teaching Staff
Linking subject areas to different careers and work opportunities and encouraging students to think positively about their future career prospects.